Of course, almost everyone has heard the word "wart" and probably frowned in disgust at the same time, thinking about how unpleasant, and possibly even dangerous, contagion can be. Some people remember from childhood: You shouldn't touch frogs - there will be warts. Some people authoritatively declare that "it will pass by itself", and in general it is like a mole, not scary at all, while others are very afraid to catch them. Since not everyone knows the exact cause of the pathology, there is a lot of speculation surrounding the disease.
Preparedness is safe. So it's important to understand why people get warts, what they are, why they're dangerous, and whether they're related to frogs.
types of warts
Warts are skin growths caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), which survive and multiply only in the epithelium and mucous membranes. Under certain conditions, the virus begins to appear in growth form on the surface of epithelial cells. Tumors can come in different sizes -- small and large, and in different colors -- from pink to dark brown.

There are numerous strains of HPV, which is what causes various types of warts.
Flat warts (juveniles)
This tumor resembles an irregularly shaped outer circle. They occur in adolescents entering puberty. Their appearance is closely related to the hormonal reorganization of the young organism. They can cause a lot of unpleasant feelings - from psychological discomfort to itchy skin. The itchy ones are usually flat warts, which are unusual for other species. Most of the time, this type of skin inflammation occurs on the face, neck, arms and legs. They usually pass by themselves and do not require serious intervention.
Common warts (common)
They are dense growths that resemble nodules. This type is the most common. In fact, they appear on the hands, fingers, and palms, allowing HPV to easily transfer from sick to healthy individuals. The virus enters the body through skin damage during contact or use of household items. The main reasons for warts on the hands are precisely the spread of disease and the failure to observe basic hygiene rules.
One of the subspecies of common warts is plantar warts. They affect the lower parts of the legs: feet, heels, toes. This growth can bring a lot of grief because they are so painful, especially when walking.
In most cases, common warts disappear completely within six months to a year, but in some cases, they may not disappear for much longer.
filiform wart
This type of tumor is soft and round. Most of the time, such warts appear in the elderly, women with pregnancy problems, and during menopause because their occurrence is related to hormonal imbalances. First, delicate skin areas are affected: face, neck, groin area, armpits. The presence of folds on the body and excessive sweating also contribute to the spread of epithelial growth.
Unlike the first two, this type of skin formation requires careful monitoring and treatment under the supervision of a specialist. It's important to know that they won't go away on their own and may need to be removed.
condyloma acuminatum
A different type of wart that affects the genitals, anus, or, less commonly, the mouth. They are growths on the legs that have the shape of icicles. As the disease grows and grows, it becomes like cauliflower.
Warts often develop into malignant tumors, so their appearance and growth should be monitored by a specialist.
Almost half of the world's population is infected with HPV, but not every carrier knows this. For a long time, HPV cannot express itself while staying alive. Warts or condyloma acuminatum appear when the conditions for their development become favorable, i. e. when the body's protective function declines. In fact, low immunity is the main cause of genital warts and warts on different parts of the body.
Predisposing factors:
- hormonal exhaustion in the body (adolescence, pregnancy, menopause);
- metabolic diseases;
- unprotected intercourse;
- Failure to observe personal hygiene regulations;
- dry skin on the hands, or conversely, profuse sweating;
- circulatory disturbance;
- Micro-lesions are present in epithelial cells.
By the way, practice has shown that the appearance of warts has nothing to do with frogs, so we can safely say that this is just an illusion.
Each type of wart has a special structure and an inherent set of characteristics. This makes it possible to diagnose quickly and prescribe the right treatment.
External examination of the tumor is sufficient for a dermatologist to distinguish warts from other skin diseases (lichen planus, verrucous tuberculosis, etc. ). In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the growth is of good quality and to determine the extent of its carcinogenicity. To do this, do research by PCR and biopsy. In addition, to determine the virus strain and its concentration level, the Digene HPV test was performed. Thanks to him, the prognosis of tumor development was established, and the treatment was determined.
When skin growths appear, patients are not in a hurry to consult a doctor and treat because warts do not have acute symptoms. Sometimes tumors itch. For the most part, these growths don't bother their owners other than their unsightly appearance.

There are many signs of contacting a specialist. First, it is:
- Rapid growth of warts (more than 2 cm in size is an indication for surgery);
- itching, stinging, burning, growing pains;
- The tumor turns black sharply;
- triggers an inflammatory process (suppuration, appearance of blood);
- The emergence of a new pattern around a growth;
- Changes in shape and structure.
For genital warts, additional research must be done.
effective treatment
As long as the growth is of good quality, you can get rid of warts quickly. First, eliminate those who deprive people of psychological comfort, cause pain, or are located in vulnerable places. The most common treatments are:
- Pharmacy Fund. Pharmacological approaches to struggle also include immunotherapy, topical acid-containing drugs, retinoic acid, and the use of hormonal ointments. Necessary medicines are prescribed by a doctor.
- Folk remedies. We are talking about using different types of medicinal plants and fruits. For example, this folk method is considered valid:
- Compressed with raw onions soaked in vinegar. This vegetable has been tied to warts for several nights in a row. In order not to burn the skin around the formation, it is recommended to seal with tape. Rubbing the wart with a freshly chopped potato half will help remove them.
- The most popular and proven method is to burn the wart with celandine juice. This procedure should be done twice a day, using freshly picked grass. The sap of this plant can burn the skin, so the procedure is strictly local.
- Another effective remedy is a mixture of dandelion juice, milkweed, rowan berries, tart apples, onions, garlic, and lemon. There is no specific ratio - the amount of each ingredient is determined by the eye. Apply the resulting mixture to the wart 3 times a day.
- They got rid of tough growths on their hands with the help of vinegar, which was dripped onto problem areas. For a brighter effect, a mixture of vinegar and flour is also used - the paste must be applied to the wart, allowed to dry, and then bandaged overnight.
- For searing, a mixture of grated garlic, lemon juice, and flour is often used. It also needs to be applied at night for a while.
- Horseradish juice also has a searing effect. Its roots are ground, mixed with salt and applied to grow.
- methods of operation. Don't ignore traditional methods of wart removal used in medical facilities. First, this
- The wart is removed without damaging adjacent tissue using a radio wave scalpel under local anesthesia. This procedure is used less frequently these days because scarring is likely where the wart was removed. However, if the size of the growth exceeds 2 cm, the operation will definitely take place. This method allows you to completely remove the wart.
- Cryotherapy - The formation is frozen with liquid nitrogen, which deprives its cells of vital activity, after which it will no longer grow.
- Electrocoagulation - cauterizes growth. This getting rid of the problem is considered to be quick and effective.
Aesthetic medicine clinics also provide services to remove skin formations using lasers or light therapy.
Don't forget: When warts of any type appear, it is best to consult a doctor! More commonly, HPV-induced tumors are benign and do not require serious intervention. However, for sure, it is better to pass the necessary tests.
Of course, the surest way to protect yourself from unpleasant skin diseases is to have a strong immunity. Unfortunately, few can boast about this. Therefore, in order to reduce the risk of contracting warts and condyloma acuminatum, it is important to observe hygiene rules, namely:
- Washing hands thoroughly, bathing or bathing regularly, and teaching children to do so, as children are more susceptible to disease than adults;
- Do not use other people's hygiene products;
- When visiting baths, saunas, swimming pools, bring personal changeable shoes and do not lean your bare body against the walls of seating areas, showers and steam rooms;
- Treat scrapes, cuts, and small wounds with disinfectant promptly;
- Use barrier contraception to exclude unprotected intercourse;
- Get the most dangerous HPV vaccine.